The MAXVY'S AMBA-AXI VIP provides a complete solution for verification of AMBA-AXI protocol version 2.0. MAXVY’S AXI verification IP is fully compatible with standard AXI 3 protocol. This VIP is supported natively in System Verilog UVM.
Key features:
Separate address/control and data phases
Support for unaligned data transfers using byte strobes
Burst-based transactions with only start address issued
separate read and write data channels to enable low-cost Direct Memory Access (DMA)
Ability to issue multiple outstanding addresses
Out-of-order transaction completion
Easy addition of register stages to provide timing closure
Key Benifits:
Availability in pure System Verilog and UVM
Unique development to ensure highest level of quality
Availability of Compliance & Regression test suites
Unique and customizable licensing models
VIPuser guide
AXI VIP encrypted source code
Sample Testbench top
Sample scoreboard
Assertions and coverage model
Extended Capabilities:
Supports directed random and fully random tests
Supports environment configuration of VIP based on DUT